Thursday, March 31, 2016

Baby cow cuteness overload!!!

So it is official, Faith was pregnant! We are pretty excited to present to you, Faith’s baby! She was born on March 30th, 2016 somewhere in the afternoon. Mom & baby girl are doing well.

Faith is being a very good mom, protecting her baby, nursing her, following her everywhere and cleaning here. She’s letting us pet the baby but she keeps an eye on us.
So, the baby is 1 day old today and there is not much happening to talk about beside the fact that she’s eating well and sleeping a lot.

We can't get over the fact that this little cow is so cute and lovely. I just can't wait until the mother/daughter bonding phase is over so that I can step in a little more and start playing with that little gal! She’s SO sweet and so fluffy! Her coat is all soft and perfect! I just feel like cuddling with her but mom is not to fond of the idea. Even though she is friendly with us, she’s still protecting her baby. I’ll just wait a little before getting between the two of them.

I'm sure we’ll have plenty more stuff to tell you in the weeks to cone. Oh! Just in case you were wondering, name pending but we have a couple in minds ;)

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