Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Farming can be tough

For those of you who never had the chance to meet her, this was Lindsay. She was a pygmy goat who had been purchased by the original owner for a live nativity scene. They didn't realize when they got her that she was pregnant and she soon gave birth to little Twister. When we purchased her they were trying to get rid of the goats, a sheep and a miniature donkey. We brought her and Twister home and quickly learned that goats will do whatever it is that you do not want them to do, particularly when it comes to eating things like plants and trees that you are trying to grow.
Unfortunately that also includes  going into the street to eat on the other side. Yesterday Twister darted out into the road causing an oncoming truck to swerve and hit Lindsay who came out right after her kid. It was not a big hit but it broke her back just above her tail and fractured her hips. This brought to bare the full weight of living on a farm and having a hand in the circle of life. With Lindsay panting in pain and struggling every once in awhile to stand without success, letting out a pain filled bleat, it was up to me to end her sufffering.
It is awesome to be part of a farm as you watch animals grow and have their own babies but every once in awhile it can be tougher than imagined when the reality of what we are doing hits home and its time to put an end to a life. This is made even harder when the end is sooner than you had expected. 

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, Tim, so sorry to hear about Lindsay. Somehow most of the birds seem to have more road sense :-)
