Thursday, July 16, 2015

Habits and some morning photos

One of the funniest notions that we had before we got our animals was that the animals would immediately make a break for the woods the second there wasn't a fence to hold them in.
Once the birds got old enough to fly over the fence (yes, chickens fly) the point was moot. If they wanted to run they would. But what we quickly realized is that the birds were animals of habit and liked the comfort of a barn to sleep in and regular feed at the same time every day.
Now the only reason I have birds "penned" in is to introduce them to the flock or to isolate baby birds to help the mothers avoid harassement.
I believe it would be the same for the pigs since the goats stick close to the barn as well. I just don't want to risk any of them getting onto the road and they are pretty destructive with their rooting so I don't want to make enemies out if ny neighbours :)

Here are some morning photos as the birds head to the pool for a morning drink and chat around the "water cooler".
The newest additions to the chicken flock are very inquisitive and friendly and have no problem coming right up to me to check out what I am doing.
As they say "birds of a feather". The turkey poults have adopted the two big males as their surrogate fathers and follow them around the yard.
And the pigs are growing fast. They have almost doubled in size and are becoming a little less skittish and little more inquisitive. It is pretty entertaining watching them interact with each other.
Here two of the pigs rolled a third and were poking him in the belly with their noses.
Twister is rearing up for a headbutt here. He is all full of energy in the morning like any normal kid :)

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