Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Food stuff from scratch

So I decided to empty my freezer & pantry before buying anything else from the store (except for veggies & fruits and special items like milk, yogurt, etc). I mean, no meat as we are raising chicken, turkey and pork. We have lots of chicken breast, turkey meat, porck chops, ground pork, pork roast, sausages, bacon, etc. If beef is needed I might buy some but I'm trying very hard to use what I have here.

While cleaning my freezer and pantry, I realized how much stuff I have at home and how much stuff I don't need to buy (I found something like 6-7 packs of rice, lots of barley, frozen meals that I made couple of months ago, etc). So clearly, I don't really need to go to the store.

As I've never been good at making something without all the exact ingredients needed in the recipe (which made me buy stuff at the store "just in case there is none at home") it's a big deal for me to come up with something to eat since then but I'm sticking to my idea!

So, with 1lb of ground chicken some spices, bread crumbs, parmesan cheese and eggs, I cooked us some delicious chicken nuggets! I found a recipe on Pinterest that was easy to make and I was able to use what I already have here. Here's the link: and here are my chicken nuggets!!!

There was also 3 small portions of frozen french fries (in 3 different bags) that I bought (clearly more than once!!!) "just in case there is none at home" So, I used them too.

In the end, for 1 meal, I used 4 items that I already had in my freezer + some stuff from the pantry!!! YAY! I'm sticking to my idea!!!

I think I'm doing pretty good so far, the Ministry of Finance (aka hubby) could hopefully tell me if I'm wrong or not by checking the amount of money I didn't spend at the grocery store lately comparing to "before".

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