Sunday, January 31, 2016

Is the cow pregnant?

When we first decided to have a cow, we had in mind of getting milk at some point. So, 2 years ago, we decided it was time to go shopping for a cow! We’re only 3 in our family so a big Holstein was out of the question because of the amount of milk per day they produce so we opted for a cute little Jersey! Like the one that did the ad for the Hershey Chocolate bar “back then” (gosh I’m old!!!).

We visited 2 farms: a “regular” milk farm and an organic milk farm. We found our little brown pearl at the organic farm. The owner told us there were 4-5 cows ready to go. She left us to go get something in the house and came back with a list of the cow that was ready to go. She gave us the name of each and every one of them. Faith (her name) was the one we chose!
Faith moved with us about a week after our visit at the farm. She was very quiet on her way home and already very friendly with us, the birds, the dogs and Justin. We halter broke her as soon as she was here, gave her bath, brushed her every day so that she could get use to us as much as possible. We didn’t want to have a dangerous and mean cow around us. She was so friendly that when she escaped (more than once) she was always ending up at our neighbour’s place, more specifically in their garden (!!!) and they would walk her back in the field without any problem (other than eating their salad!!!).

So, in 2015, Faith was over a year old and it was time for her to meet a man! We contacted someone who had a little Dexter bull and the gentlemen move in with us (with Faith) from spring 2015 to fall 2015. He was a very good and gentle tenant except for a few fences he broke when tried to reach grass on the other side.

Not being there with them 24/7, we don’t know if love did his magic but we noticed that Faith was not in heat anymore! And mostly, she wasn’t trying to escape each month to go meet a man!!! I think she looks bigger than she was in the spring, her belly is much rounder on the side and Tim said that he doesn’t  know if it was a bowel movement or not but he felt something moving in his belly . Fingers crossed she’s going to give us a beautiful baby in March-April 2016!


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